What's Happening in the Sixth Grade?

Language Arts
Welcome to 6th Grade English Language Arts. My name is Molly Fawcett and I have taught at the GET Middle School for six years. However, I am going into my 20th year of teaching. In ELA we use StudySync for the curriculum. Students will use the online app as well as a workbook that goes with each unit. We will complete four units this school year to cover all ELA standards.
February 3- March 7 (Term 3)
StudySync- Unit 3 In the Dark
Academic Vocabulary R 6.4
Unit Essential Question: How do you know what to do when there are no instructions?
Heroes Every Child Should Know: Perseus
Everybody Jump
Donna O'Meara: The Volcano Lady
Dare to be creative!
March 3-20 (Term 3)
Unit 3 Assessment on R 6.1 Text Evidence & R 6.3 Story Elements/Main Idea
Genre of Writing: Informative
Important Dates:
March 19- Viterbo Holocaust Survivor Peter Feigl 7PM (free event)
April 10 & 17- FORWARD Testing Dates
Welcome to Sixth Grade Math! My name is Mrs. Burmeister and this is my second year teaching math at GET, but is my 25th year of teaching. I strive to make sure all students are doing their best work and encourage them to do more. Every child can succeed!
Our Math Resource is Open Up. We will also be using a new program to us called Magma Math. This will allow us to incorporate more technology in the classroom and meet the needs of all students.
Extra Skills for Practice:
Multiplication Facts through 12x12
Resource: 99 Math (app on Ipads)
Magma Math (app on Ipad)
Import Dates:
Feb. 11th- Final Assessment Unit 5
Feb. 28th- Mid Unit Assessment Unit 6
Mar. 12th- Final Assessment Unit 6
Units of Study
Unit 5: Arithmetic in Base Ten
Below is the guaranteed standard for this unit.
M.6.NS.B.3. Flexibly and efficiently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals using strategies or algorithms based on place value, visual models, the relationship between operations and the properties of operations
Unit 6: Expressions and Equations
Below is the guaranteed standard for this unit.
Understand solving an equation or inequality as a process of answering a question: which values from a specified set, if any, make the equation or inequality true? Use substitution to determine whether a given number in a specified set makes an equation or inequality true

Social Studies
Welcome to 6th Grade Social Studies! My name is Mrs. Knutson, and this is my 26th year at G-E-T. I am beginning a new adventure just like our 6th graders as this is my first year as the Social Studies teacher.
We will be learning about Ancient Civilizations this year and working on map skills throughout all of the units. Our standards for Social Studies are noted on this page for your reference. Students can see the standards, specific learning targets, and vocabulary for each unit posted on one of the bulletin boards in the classroom.
Unit 1: Historical Skills
Unit 2: Early Peoples
Unit 3: Mesopotamia
Unit 4: Ancient Egypt
Unit 5: Ancient India
Unit 6: Ancient Greece
Unit 7: Ancient Rome
Each unit will have an Essential Question to focus our thinking about the content that is presented, and we will use the Claim-Evidence-Reasoning (CER) format for written responses. Our HMH resource is online, but we will also utilize traditional textbooks during some of our class periods.
Students finished their thematic maps and are enjoying seeing them displayed in the sixth-grade locker area.
We just began Unit 4: Ancient Egypt. The essential question for this unit is: How did old ways and new ideas help Egypt thrive for centuries? Students will be working on a mini research project during this unit that will be guided by research questions they have developed. They are also using their online textbook's "newer" version for this unit on Egypt. We anticipate that this unit will continue through the first week of February. Our next unit will be on Ancient India.
Welcome to sixth grade science! My name is Ms. Jones, and I am new to GET. However, I am not new to teaching, as this is my 29th year. I absolutely love this profession, and I am excited for this new adventure!
We have a new curriculum for science, and our first unit will be Cycles Influencing Weather and Climate. I have posted the guaranteed standards for this unit below. These are also posted in the classroom for the students as "I Can" statements.
Guaranteed Standards/I Can Statements:
I can use a model to explain how weather and atmospheric conditions determine varying climates.
I can develop a model to describe the cycling of water through Earth's systems driven by energy from the sun and the force of gravity.
I can apply scientific principles to design and test a device that either minimizes or maximizes thermal energy transfer.
October Update:
We are working on finishing up our first unit. The students have created some amazing projects! We will put the finishing touches on our PSA project this week, and then will be working on the last standard for this unit which is:
I can use a model to explain how weather and
atmospheric conditions determine varying climates.
We will return to the standard: I can apply scientific principles to design and test a device that either minimizes or maximizes thermal energy transfer, in the spring.
December and January
We have been learning about force and motion. This starts with learning about energy, and tying it back to the previous unit of Weather and Atmosphere. Energy is at the center. We now are taking energy to forces and motions. Our standards for this unit are:
I can explain and give evidence to support the relationship between, energy, force, work, motion, and power.
I can understand data to provide evidence of how forces respond between objects.
I can plan construct, and apply Newton's Laws of Motion to interactions of different forces.
Updates: January - February
Our study of energy and forces takes us into discovering more about protons, neutrons, and electrons. We will be learning about electricity, electric currents, and electric circuits. Our I can statements/standards of focus are:
I can conduct an investigation and evaluate the experimental design to provide evidence that fields exist between objects exerting forces on each other even though the objects are not in contact.
I can ask about data to determine the factors that affect the strength of electric and magnetic forces.
I can analyze data to determine how forces exist and interact between objects.
We will be conducting many labs on these standards, as well as completing claims, evidence, and reasoning (CER) for the labs.

Meet the 6th Grade Teachers

Mrs. Fawcett
English Language Arts

Mrs. Burmeister

Ms. Jones

Mrs. Knutson
Social Studies