What's Happening in the Eighth Grade?

Welcome to 8th grade ELA! My name is Cheri Omernick and this is my first year teaching at the GET Middle School, and the 29th year of my teaching career. I'm looking forward to a fantastic year!
The year has been amazing. It's been a joy to see the students grow as readers and writers!
STAR Testing: Wednesday, January 8
Unit 2 Assessment on Theme and Academic Vocabulary: January 13-14
Materials are on the StudySync app and in a StudySync workbook that is provided.
Language Arts
Unit 3: No Risk, No Reward
Essential Question: Why do we take chances?
Genre Focus: Informational Text
Extended Writing Project: Argumentative and Informative
Several excerpts and the novel Call of The Wild by Jack London will be studied.
Unit 2: Past and Present is almost complete. The novel Outsiders by S.E.Hinton as well as poetry and several excerpts were read and analyzed.
Grammar is an important part or becoming a better reader and writer. Writing improvement is a focus for Term 3. Sentence structure, word choice, and fluency work will be implemented during Core classes and Target Time.
Meet the 8th Grade Teachers

Mr. Hagen
Mrs. Omernick

Mr. Oppelt
Social Studies
Brenden Klish