*All 6th Graders take this class.*
In this class students will learn about the following topics:
Get to Know You: Students will fill out an All About Me survey as well as learn about Ms. Weibel.
Letter to Future Self: Students will write a letter to their future 8th grade self reflecting on the start to middle school as well as what goals they have for the future.
Academic Skills for Success: Students will discuss organization strategies, active listening skills and study strategies as well as take a learning styles inventory and reflect on ways to improve their academic skills.
Digital Literacy: Students will understand the need for balance in the digital world as well as how to chat safely online and avoid scams.
Healthy Friendships and Conflict Management Skills: Students will analyze characteristics of health and unhealthy friendships as well as gain skills for resolving conflicts with others.
Mental Health: Students will understand that mental health challenges are part of the human experience and will be able to identify when help is needed as well as who you can ask for help and what will happen.

Academic & Career Planning
*All 7th Graders take this class.*
This course focuses on the following topics:
What is ACP?: Students will understand the importance of academic and career planning.
Career Matchmaker: Students will answer career matchmaker questions in Xello and reflect on their results.
Exploring Xello: Students will spend time on Xello uploading a profile, adding interests and skills as well as saving three careers of interest.
Career Learning Pathways: Students will understand the six career learning pathways and realize that some careers have more than one possible pathway.
Multiple Intelligences: Students will discover that people have strengths in different areas, take a multiple intelligences inventory and apply their results to careers of interest.
Career Bias: Students will reflect on bias and assumptions surrounding different careers and complete a career bias lesson in Xello.
Personal Resume: Students will create a personal resume to be used during ACP conferencing which will include their learning style, interests, multiple intelligences, careers of interest, etc.
Career Research Project: Students will choose a career to research using Xello and will present the information they find through a poster, google slide presentation or research paper.
Finding and Applying for Jobs: Students will learn about the process of searching for and applying for a job.
Mock Interviews: Students will study job interview etiquette and will apply their knowledge during mock interviews.