
Please Update Your Information

The transportation department is requesting all parents, of current elementary students, complete and return a Transportation Form by June 1st. Parents of students in 6th -11th grade should complete a form if transportation information or needs have changed. Completing the form early will help the District plan routes and ensure the drivers have a complete passenger list to start the school year.

For busing purposes, it is important that you keep your address information current. Please note, if you notify us of changes less than two weeks before school begins, you may need to transport your own child until arrangements are completed for school transportation. Changes during the school year may take up to 5 days to complete.

Starting 2024-2025 school year, 4K-6th grade students assigned to busing will receive a written notification as to the pick up and drop off locations, bus number and estimated pick up and drop off times. This information will be given to you at registration night, (not mailed) before the start of school. Please notify the transportation department at the District office 608 582-2346 ext. 1800 if you have questions.

The first week of school, students are asked to be at the bus stop 10 minutes prior to the scheduled time as routes may be adjusted. Also during the first week of school students may arrive home up to 30 minutes late due to extra time to assure all students are on the correct buses. Thank you for you patience.

Students in 4K and Kindergarten will be given an ID wristband the first day of school to identify their bus and drop off location. Please have your child wear this bracelet at least the first week of school.

Thank you for your cooperation.

G-E-T Transportation Department.

Bus Rider Rules

Parents: Please review these rules with your children who ride school buses.

The following student actions, which could be unsafe, may result in disciplinary action taken:

  • Destroying property

  • Bringing injurious or objectionable objects aboard the bus

  • Leaving seat

  • Disobeying driver

  • Fighting, tripping, or pushing others

  • Throwing things into or from bus

  • Lighting matches or smoking

  • Spitting or littering

  • Unacceptable language

  • Damaging bus equipment

  • Rude, discourteous, noisy, or annoying behavior

  • Improper boarding or departure procedures

  • Other inappropriate behavior

School Board Policy

As per School Board Policy 751.1-Rule – Students in grades 1-12 living within ½ mile of a school are to walk to Ettrick Elem, Trempealeau Elem, Galesville Elem or Middle School to board a shuttle bus to their school of attendance. Student may also use city pick up locations. (See Board Policy 751.1 for exceptions)

Contact Information

Darrel Sveen
Transportation Manager
(608) 582-4657
Ext. 1801

Sandra Ziegler
Transportation Secretary
(608) 582-4657
